Complexity is Opportunity

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The world is filled with vexing, urgent problems that rarely respond to simple solutions. Unlocking complex challenges requires deep knowledge, determination, and foresight. We invest in leaders compelled to attack these problems with novel, market-changing solutions.
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Why We Invested

Applications of additive manufacturing are growing rapidly across industries. EY estimates an 18.1% CAGR for aerospace additive manufacturing from 2022-2030. Vixiv unlocks the potential of additive with artificial intelligence. The founders' deep experience in math and AI results in designs that transform potential into performance.
Only 30% of people prescribed physical therapy follow through with treatment. Millions end up with more serious conditions and expensive, invasive interventions. Virtualizing musculoskeletal care with a browser-based, AI-driven smartphone interface improves lives and saves billions of dollars.
May 16, 2018, was “all-in day” at Astronomer. Ry Walker, Astronomer founder and then CEO, made a choice that resulted in Astro, the modern data orchestration platform. His instinct and insight were right, and a result of his passion for getting to the optimal solution. We like the massive, brawling data management market, but it requires founders like Ry (now working on Tembo) to make big, risky choices.
Suicide is the second leading cause of death in young people between 10-34. The vast majority of suicide victims are not under the care of a mental health professional. The rise in depression, anxiety, and suicide has overwhelmed the health system’s ability to respond. Clarigent’s AI-based virtual assessment is a force multiplier in the campaign against suicide and severe mental illness.
Abre’s teacher-founders saw the high cost, and low return of traditional K-12 systems firsthand. Disparate data siloed across multiple applications fails to produce a timely 360-degree performance. Teachers, administrators, parents, and students needed a modern solution. The urgency for the Abre solution is intensifying from the challenges our schools face in the post-pandemic landscape.

What We Look For

Gifted Founders
who are inseparable from their innovation.
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Novel, Defensible Technology
attacking an urgent, large market.
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Compelling Product Vision
that aligns the team and excites the market.
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Big, Future-Proof Market
that attracts talent, capital, and partnerships.
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High Expectations
to build a company that is meaningful, valuable, and durable.
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Front Row Seat
that is close enough to help, but never in the way.
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Champions of Your Company

Building a great company from scratch demands the full attention and energy of the founding team. It also demands more than just an investor, but a champion with the same level of conviction.
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We invest in first-time founders and experienced entrepreneurs based on trust and shared vision
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We help craft a community around each company enrolled in that same vision
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We respond to challenges with energy and focus because we want you to win
Meet Our Team

Our Values

The drive to achieve
The self awareness of one's significance in the universe
The compass that points toward a brighter future
The foundation of trust
The spark that ignites the quest for knowledge
The relentless determination to keep going
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Invest with Purpose

Our nation needs to disperse investment in entrepreneurship and research commercialization beyond traditional venture capital hubs. Discover the breakthrough technologies in our region.
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